Yes, it was a dream and such a blessing to share this second honeymoon of sorts together. We had an incredible time and have fun stories to share. Here are some picture highlights.
What a privilege it was to come together (literally as my two worlds collided) to walk in support of those impacted with HIV and AIDS and boldly say "You are loved by God, loved by us and are not forgotten." Enjoy our fun pics from the day. And if you missed it this year be sure to join us in 2009!
Such a fun day. We cruised up to lovely Malibu with Drew & Heather (Whom are soon to be married this fall) and enjoyed a beautiful fairy tale wedding under a large oak tree. We are so happy for Huy and Holli!
We also couldn't help but enjoy the playful site ourselves.
Our trips to the desert house seem now to always come along with an engagement announcement..who wants to go next? ;)
Bry and I enjoyed are annual trip to Coachella this year, and especially enjoyed the slightly cooler temp. Made the day a lot easier.
Than Drew & Heather joined us for some relaxation, sun bathing, fun on the greens and great food. Little did Heather know Drew had a surprise for her on the way home. It was an incredible weekend.