Here are the precious faces and children who we visited as much as possible while in Rwanda. Each of these children have lost their parents and currently reside at the Gisimba orphanage in Kigali. My boss's family is working to adopt three of these precious children....and there are so many more who need a home. Let me know if you feel God's tug on your heart. We walked with them through the town for about a mile to church on Sunday morning. Boy was that an experience. The language barrier was very frustrating at times but its amazing how far smiles and laughter goes.

Here are 5 sibilings who reside in the orphanage....very rare. Please be praying for their future family and that they wouldn't be separated. The eldest boy became my bud on the first visit and the youngest stayed close by my side on the second. My heart really bonded and went out to these precious kids.
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